
Use Emergency SOS on iPhone – Daily Info

SOS on iPhone: A Complete Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on what “SOS” means on iPhone and how to use it effectively. In this article, we will delve into the SOS feature on your iPhone, its importance, and how you can leverage it during emergencies. Our aim is to provide you with in-depth information that outranks other websites, ensuring you have the most reliable and accurate details at your disposal.

What is SOS on iPhone?

SOS on iPhone is an emergency feature designed to assist users during critical situations. When activated, it allows you to quickly call for help and get assistance from local emergency services or your designated emergency contacts. This feature can be a lifesaver, especially in situations where time is of the essence.

How to Enable SOS on iPhone

  1. Access Emergency SOS Settings

To enable SOS on your iPhone, go to your device’s settings and look for the “Emergency SOS” section. Tap on it to access the settings related to this feature.

  1. Enable Auto Call

In the “Emergency SOS” settings, you will find an option called “Auto Call.” When turned on, this feature will automatically call emergency services when you press the power button rapidly five times. Ensure this option is activated for quick access to emergency assistance.

  1. Add Emergency Contacts

Additionally, you can designate emergency contacts that will receive a message with your location when the SOS feature is activated. To add emergency contacts, go to the “Health” app on your iPhone and select “Medical ID.” From there, you can add contacts to be notified in case of an emergency.

When to Use SOS on iPhone

SOS on iPhone should be used only in critical situations where immediate assistance is required. Some scenarios where you might want to activate the SOS feature include:

Medical Emergencies

If you or someone around you requires urgent medical attention, activate SOS to get in touch with medical professionals swiftly.


In the event of an accident, whether on the road or elsewhere, activating SOS can help you quickly reach out for help.

Threatening Situations

If you find yourself in a dangerous or threatening situation, activating SOS can alert the authorities to come to your aid.

Activating SOS on iPhone

When you need to use SOS on your iPhone, follow these steps:

  1. Press the Power Button Rapidly

To initiate the SOS feature, rapidly press the power button on the side of your iPhone five times in quick succession. The Emergency SOS slider will then appear on your screen.

  1. Slide to Call Emergency Services

Once the Emergency SOS slider appears, slide it to call emergency services. Your iPhone will automatically dial the local emergency number based on your location.

  1. Contacting Emergency Contacts

After the call to emergency services, your designated emergency contacts will receive a message with your current location. This can be helpful in keeping your loved ones informed during an emergency.

Testing SOS on iPhone

It is essential to test the SOS feature on your iPhone to ensure it works correctly. However, do this with caution and make sure you cancel the call to emergency services immediately to avoid any unnecessary dispatch of resources.

To test the SOS feature:

  1. Enter Test Mode

Go to the “Emergency SOS” settings and turn on the “Call with Side Button” option. Now, when you press and hold the power button and either volume button, an emergency call countdown will begin.

  1. Cancel the Call

Before the countdown reaches zero, slide the “Cancel” option to stop the emergency call.

Additional Tips for Using SOS on iPhone

  • Keep your iPhone updated with the latest software to ensure the SOS feature functions correctly.
  • Familiarize yourself with your country’s emergency numbers, as the SOS feature calls the local emergency services based on your location.
  • Inform your designated emergency contacts that they are listed on your iPhone for SOS notifications.
  • Teach your family members and friends how to use the SOS feature on their iPhones to enhance overall safety.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – SOS on iPhone

What is SOS on iPhone, and how does it work?

SOS on iPhone is an emergency feature that allows users to quickly call for help during critical situations. When activated, you can press the power button rapidly five times, and your iPhone will automatically call local emergency services. It can also notify your designated emergency contacts of your location details.

How do I enable SOS on my iPhone?

To enable SOS on your iPhone, go to “Settings,” then “Emergency SOS.” Turn on the “Auto Call” option, and if you want to add emergency contacts, go to the “Health” app, select “Medical ID,” and add the contacts there.

When should I use SOS on my iPhone?

SOS on iPhone should be used only in emergencies where immediate assistance is required, such as medical emergencies, accidents, or threatening situations.

Will SOS on iPhone work internationally?

Yes, SOS on iPhone can work internationally, but it will call the local emergency services based on your current location.

Can I test the SOS feature on my iPhone?

Yes, you can test the SOS feature by turning on the “Call with Side Button” in the “Emergency SOS” settings. Press and hold the power button and either volume button to initiate the test call, but make sure to cancel it before the countdown reaches zero.

What happens after I activate SOS on my iPhone?

Once you activate SOS, your iPhone will call emergency services, and a countdown timer will appear on the screen. After the call, your designated emergency contacts will receive a message with your current location.

Can I use SOS on my iPhone without a SIM card?

Yes, you can use SOS on your iPhone even without a SIM card or an active cellular plan. As long as your iPhone has power and is within range of a compatible network, it can make emergency calls.

What if I activate SOS accidentally?

If you activate SOS accidentally, don’t panic. You can cancel the emergency call by sliding the “Cancel” option when the countdown timer appears.

Is there a specific iPhone model requirement for SOS?

SOS on iPhone is available on various iPhone models and can be accessed in the “Emergency SOS” settings. However, it’s essential to keep your iPhone updated with the latest software for the feature to work correctly.

Can I designate multiple emergency contacts on my iPhone?

Yes, you can add multiple emergency contacts on your iPhone through the “Health” app. These contacts will receive your location details when SOS is activated.

Does SOS on iPhone work in airplane mode?

Yes, SOS on iPhone can work in airplane mode, but it requires a Wi-Fi connection or an active cellular plan to contact emergency services.

Is there a way to disable the “Auto Call” feature for SOS?

Yes, if you don’t want your iPhone to automatically call emergency services when you press the power button rapidly, you can turn off the “Auto Call” option in the “Emergency SOS” settings.

Can I customize the SOS settings on my iPhone?

While you cannot customize the SOS activation method, you can set up your medical ID with important information that will be accessible during emergencies.

Does SOS on iPhone work with third-party emergency apps?

No, the SOS feature on iPhone is built into the device and does not integrate with third-party emergency apps.

Can I use SOS on someone else’s iPhone?

SOS on iPhone is intended for personal use, but you can use it on someone else’s iPhone if it’s a genuine emergency and you have their permission to do so.

Remember, the SOS feature on iPhone is a powerful tool, and it should be used responsibly and only in critical situations. Always be prepared and informed about how to use it effectively to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you.

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